HD film, Black and white, 16/9, 01'02


This short film was made in 2021 as a open assignment for the “Moving Image” video class at Sint Lucas Antwerpen given by Alexander van der Wallen.



Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA in 1977 to study the outer Solar System and interstellar space. It is currently the farthest human-made object from Earth. The probe is equipped with a variety of instruments to study the solar wind, magnetic fields, and cosmic rays.Voyager 1 did not detect the sound of deep space as sound is a mechanical wave that requires a medium to transmit, such as air or water. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium to carry sound waves. However, the probe is equipped with a Plasma Wave Instrument that can detect the radio waves emitted by plasma, which is a type of ionized gas that is present in the solar wind and in the interstellar medium. These radio waves can be converted into audio signals and the recordings of these signals are often referred to as the "sounds of space."

For this project an excerpt was used of one of the recordings, the sound of Triton, Neptune’s moon. Starting from sound, a visual story unfolds as the audio gets more intense. Imagery representing air traveling translates the recording to the visual medium.




Divergent Colours